For Vented Enclosures
For Sealed Enclosures
The JackHammer requires a volume of 8.7 cubic ft (net) per woofer. The woofer’s displacement is 1.8 cubic ft.
The JackHammer requires a volume of 4.2 cubic ft (net) per woofer. The woofer’s displacement is 1.8 cubic ft.
The total gross volume will be 6 cubic ft.
The port’s internal dimensions are 24- ⁄8" x 3- ⁄16" x 10" and it takes approximately
.5 cubic ft. The total gross volume will be 11.0 cubic ft.
The final tuning frequency is 32Hz. Additional vented box suggestions are 7.75 to 9.5 (net) cubic ft. Remember
to account for the driver (1.8 cubic ft) and the port displacement, with port tuning ranges from 32 to 42Hz,
when mounting.
Additional ranges of sealed volumes for a sealed box is 5 cubic ft or greater gross volume.
Mounting the JackHammer is nothing that can be taken lightly, quite literally. You need to follow the steps
below carefully and have all the necessary equipment. You will need to be able to lift the nearly 370 lbs.
subwoofer comfortably. MTX Audio recommends a fork lift for safe installation.
Often overlooked, the installation components used to connect the entire system need to match the maximum
capability of the system or you will lose performance. MTX Audio recommends using StreetWires 4 AWG
cable as the speaker wire.
Dual Voice Coil Wiring
JackHammer Superwoofers are available in a dual 2 Ohm (T9922-22) or dual 4 Ohm (T9922-44) voice coil
configuration for either SPL or SQL uses. The voice coils are labeled VC1 and VC2.
Note: Both voice coils should always be connected. See the section on Strapping Thunder Amplifiers
for amplifier connections.
Independent Voice Coil Connection Configuration
This connection is ideal when using two Thunder TA81001 amplifiers per voice coil (4 amplifiers total).
See the section on Strapping Thunder Amplifiers for amplifier connections.
The woofer is designed to distribute its weight evenly throughout the entire structure. This is accomplished by
including rear motor mounts with ⁄8"-11 bolts so it is mounted from both the front and the back. It is important
that both these sides are mounted properly to ensure proper weight distribution. The drawing above shows
Parallel Configuration
the rear mounting hole detail for the back support. The holes are located on an 8 ⁄8" bolt circle, meaning the
T9922-44 – Wiring the voice coils in a parallel configuration will have a total final load of 2 Ohm. Connect each
of the dual voice coil’s positive terminals together so that they share the same source (amplifier). Do the same
for the negative terminals. This connection is ideal when using two Thunder TA92001 amplifiers.
holes are located on a radius of 4 ⁄16" from the center point. Use the pallet from the Jackhammer packaging
to make a mounting template if needed. For the recommended 1" baffle, the bolts needed should be ⁄8"-11
threaded bolts 1 ⁄4" long. Washers should be used with the ⁄8"-11 bolts to be sure there will be no air leaks
around the bolts.
T9922-22 – Wiring the voice coils in a parallel configuration will have a total final load of 1 Ohm. Connect each
of the dual voice coil’s positive terminals together so that they share the same source (amplifier). Do the same
for the negative terminals.
Note: MTX Audio also recommends making the back of the enclosure removable to replace the woofer
cone if ever needed. This would make it possible to replace the cone assembly without removing the
In the gasket of the woofer, there are four eyelet rings. Make sure they are screwed in securely and then
attach a chain between them for lifting. Use one tine of the fork lift to lift the JackHammer with the chain then
slowly lower it into the enclosure. Unscrew the eyelets and align the woofer with the front and rear mounting
holes, and then fasten it using the screws and bolts provided. Remember to pre-drill the screw holes using a
32" drill bit. Then, lift the enclosure, complete with JackHammer, into the back of the vehicle.
For models shipped already in the enclosure, installation becomes a step easier; you need to just lift the
enclosure with JackHammer into the back of the vehicle. Continue on to the wiring section.
Note: This unit is EXTREMELY heavy! Make sure everyone is clear and out of the way in case something
should break or fall!
Note: The wiring of the dual voice coils will affect impedance for the amplifier system. Care must be taken
to assure that the resulting impedance does not exceed the amplifier’s requirements.
Note: MTX Audio is not responsible for damages occurred during installation. For custom installation help
or answers to further questions, please call 1-800-CALL-MTX.
Strapping amplifiers brings two mono-block amps together and unleashes the power of both into a single
channel configuration. Think of it like a bridged 2-channel amp which takes a left channel and a right channel
and combines them into one output. Strapping is essentially the same process. One of the mono-block amps
serves as “one channel” and the other mono-block amp as the “second channel.” The primary difference is
that the two mono-block amps are not in the same heatsink like the channels of a 2-channel amp.
Figure 1
Strapping requires that the two mono-block amps function as one, so they must be setup to work together.
Both amps need to receive the same exact signal, same exact level of signal, same exact voltage, etc... Just
follow this guide to build the Biggest, Baddest, Boldest system...ever.
It has never been easier to strap two MTX Thunder TA92001s, or even two Thunder TA81001s, together to get
maximum power from these super amplifiers. When strapped, expect power output to exceed 6,000 watts
RMS for two TA92001 amps with a current draw around 600 amps. Or, for two TA81001 amps, over 3,000 watts
of RMS power with a current draw of around 300 amps (Table 1).
When strapping Thunder Amplifiers, it is important to remember that to get the desired power from them,
you need to supply them with the power they require. You must upgrade the stock battery and add additional
batteries to the system. We recommend a minimum of three batteries with a cold cranking amp (CCA) rating
of 725 or more. Please remember to install a minimum of 1/0 AWG StreetWires power and ground cable for
each alternator. Two 200 amp or greater alternators are strongly recommend for this system because these
amplifiers are capable of pulling more than 600 amps. After your bank of minimum three batteries, you will
need to run 1/0 wire to each amplifier. Just adding extra batteries will not solve the need for power. It will
actually put more of a load on the alternator, in turn yielding less power to the audio system.
MTX Audio recommends West Co. SVR80 or SVR100 because they are a sealed battery that can be mounted
in any configuration and supply the power needed, and high-output alternators from either Ohio Generator or
Table 1: RMS Power Output for Strapped Thunder Amplifiers
Two TA92001
4000 Watts
6000 Watts
Two TA81001
2000 Watts
3000 Watts
Figure 2
1/0 AWG
14.4Vdc @ 4Ω
14.4Vdc @ 2Ω
16 AWG
1/0 AWG
Amplifier driving JackHammer’s negative
terminal of 2nd Voice Coil
Amplifier’s main
power terminals
(wattage is combined power from all amps)
To successfully strap two TA92001 amplifiers, follow the process outlined here carefully. It details how to
configure each amp so one becomes the “positive” (Push) amplifier and the other becomes the “negative”
(Pull) amplifier.
Amplifier driving JackHammer’s positive
terminal of 1st Voice Coil
1. Connect the amplifiers’ power, ground, and remote but do not supply the 12 volts from the batteries to the
amplifiers until later in the process.
2. Label the first amplifier as the Positive amp. Set the phase switch on this amp to 0˚. Label the second
amplifier as the Negative amp and set the phase switch on this amp to 180˚ (Figure 1).
3. Using a “Y” adapter, split the “Left” side of the RCA output from the source to the “Left” RCA input
receptacles on each amp. Using another “Y” adapter, split the “Right” side of the RCA output from the
source to the “Right” RCA input receptacles on each amp (Figure 1).
Note: Only the positive speaker terminals on each amplifier will be used.
4. Connect the positive side of the speaker wire to the “positive” speaker terminal of the amplifier labeled
Positive. Connect the negative side of the speaker wire to the “positive” speaker terminal of the amp
labeled Negative (Figure 2).
Minimum 8awg
Speaker wire
Note: The voice coils on the JackHammer must be paralleled (Figure 2). Be sure that the impedance of
the subwoofer is no lower than a 2 ohm load to avoid possible damage to the amplifier.
Woofer Terminal Connection
(2 ohm connection)
5. Check to be sure all connections are made and the impedance is within range. Once everything is setup
correctly, supply the amplifiers with the 12 volts of power from the batteries.
It is also possible to connect four TA81001 amplifiers by strapping two TA81001s per voice coil. To do this,
follow the steps when strapping two TA92001. Those procedures are outlined earlier in this manual. The only
exception is that you will now be using two amplifiers for each voice coil. See Figure 3.
Figure 3
Amplifier driving JackHammer’s negative
terminal of 1st Voice Coil
Gain setting is done the same as the two TA92001 setup.
Note: Using two TA81001 amps strapped per voice coil produces a total of over 4,000 watts of RMS power
with a current draw of around 400 amps.
Amplifier driving JackHammer’s positive
terminal of 1st Voice Coil
Strapped amplifiers require “gain matching.” This is the process of adjusting each amplifier’s gain, frequency,
and EQ to be sure both amplifiers are sending the same AC voltage to the woofer. This will require a volt
ohm/multi meter and test tones.
1. Disconnect the speaker wires from each of the amplifier’s output terminals. It is important to measure the
amplifier’s output with no load (i.e. no speakers connected to the output terminals of the amplifier).
2. Set the volume of the headunit to max output (before clipping occurs), play a flat tone (60-80Hz) through
the source unit, and hit repeat. Use this same frequency and volume throughout this process.
3. Set the gains on each amplifier to the most sensitive setting within their proper range. Make sure the input
sensitivity is set to the x1 setting for a low level RCA input. (See the amplifier’s quick install sheet for gain
Amplifieer driving JackHammer’s positive
terminal of 2nd Voice Coil
Minimum 8awg
Speaker wire
4. Set the multi meter to AC voltage and connect it to the Positive amplifier’s positive and negative output
terminals to measure that amplifier’s output voltage. Switch the multi meter between the amps and
measure each of them to determine which one has the lowest output.
Note: Even the difference of 1 volt can significantly alter the performance of your system.
5. Match the other amplifier’s gain to the one with the lowest output. Use the flat tones to gauge what are
necessary adjustments.
Woofer Terminal Connection
(Two 4 ohm connections)
Amplifier ddrivingg JackHammer’s negative
terminal of 22nd Voice Coil
6. Now that you have matched your amps you will need to set the crossover. It is recommended to have a
crossover setting of 60-80Hz and the subsonic filter turned off.
Minimum 8awg
Speaker wire
7. The parametric EQ can be used to adjust 12dB from 30-80Hz with a variable “Q” of 0.5 to 4. Using the
boost in the 60-80Hz region with a “Q” of 1 or 2 is suggested. The “Q” adjusts the bandwidth of frequencies
that are boosted or cut. For more information, read the owner’s manual for the amplifier.
1/0 AWG
16 AWG
1/0 AWG
Amplifiers main
power terminals
2%$ ).35,!4)/.
6#ꢃ ꢁ
Along with the excessive SPL, MTX has created a replaceable cone assembly so the competition level of
bass (done with the dual 2Ω voice coils) can be switched out with a dual 4Ω voice coil for every day listening
with increased sonic quality and still be the same speaker with excessive high SPL. But since the installation
of the JackHammer is a large investment in time and resources, the cone can be removed without removing
the entire sub or enclosure.
",!#+ ).35,!4)/.
6#ꢃ ꢂ
53% ꢄ-- (%8 +%9 4/ ,//3%.
3%4 3#2%73 4/ ).34!,, 4).3%, ,%!$3
2%$ ).35,!4)/.
6#ꢀ ꢁ
Re-coning the woofer is surprisingly easy. No glue is needed, just bolts, and if you followed the enclosure
design it can be done without taking the woofer out of the enclosure. Directions for either procedure follow.
53% ꢅ-- (%8 +%9 4/ ,//3%.
3%4 3#2%73 4/ ).34!,, 7)2%
",!#+ ).35,!4)/.
6#ꢀ ꢂ
To Re-cone the Woofer when Removed from the Enclosure
To remove the cone, unscrew the twelve ⁄16" hex screws from the front gasket of the woofer and remove the
gasket. Next remove the six ⁄32" hex screws from the back of the spider plateau and loosen the tinsel leads at
the terminal. The tinsel leads are the four 3mm hex screws at the top of the terminal that hold the voice coil
wires. Gently pull on the cone under the surround and the cone assembly should pull away from the woofer
motor. Be sure and pull evenly to prevent the assembly from binding in the basket. You are now ready to put in
the new re-cone kit.
Place the new cone assembly into the woofer motor. Make sure to align the tinsel leads from the re-cone kit
with the terminals and line up the large notches in the surround with the largest holes in the basket. Insert
the tinsel leads into the terminal ensuring the red lead is going into the positive (+) position and the black lead
is going into the negative (–) position. Tighten the four set screws and then slightly tug in the tinsel leads to
make sure they are tight in the terminal.
Figure 4
-/ꢄꢄꢁÊ7ꢂ/ꢆÊ ,ꢂꢃꢆ/Êꢅꢆ,"ꢉꢄÊ*ꢁꢀ/ꢄ
/‡ÎäÊ/",8Êꢇ,ꢂ6ꢄÊ1-ꢄÊ/ꢆꢄ-ꢄÊ/"Êꢉ"1 /Ê/ꢆꢄÊ7""ꢊꢄ,
-ꢂꢊÊ7""ꢊꢄ,Êꢇ"ꢄ- ¿/Ê ꢄꢄꢇÊ/"Ê ꢄÊ,ꢄꢉ"6ꢄꢇÊꢊ",
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Next, insert the six ⁄32” hex screws back into the spider plateau and tighten. Replace the top gasket over
the surround on the top of the woofer. The counter-bore holes in the gasket need to align with the smaller
threaded holes in the basket. Insert the twelve ⁄16" hex gasket screws into the counter-bored holes and
-/ꢄꢄꢁÊ7ꢂ/ꢆÊ ,ꢂꢃꢆ/Êꢅꢆ,"ꢉꢄÊ*ꢁꢀ/ꢄÊꢆꢄ8Ê-"ꢅꢈꢄ/
"ꢊꢊÊꢊ",Ê,ꢄ‡ꢅ" ꢂ ꢃÊ
tighten. Your new cone is now installed and you are ready to once again experience the JackHammer’s
extreme bass!
To Re-cone the Woofer when Installed in the Enclosure
If you have made the back removable, as suggested earlier in this manual, you can remove the cone without
ꢀꢁꢂꢃ Êꢁꢀ,ꢃꢄ,Ê "/ꢅꢆꢄꢇÊꢆ"ꢁꢄ-
ꢂ Ê ꢀ-ꢈꢄ/
removing the woofer from the enclosure. To remove the cone, unscrew the twelve ⁄16" hex screws from the
front gasket of the woofer and then remove the top gasket. DO NOT remove the T-30 wood screws because
the gasket can be removed with these still in place. Next, remove the six ⁄8" bolts from the back with a ⁄16"
wrench and pull off the back of the enclosure. Then, remove the six ⁄32" hex screws from the back of the
ꢀꢁꢂꢃ Ê/ꢂ -ꢄꢁÊꢁꢄꢀꢇ-
7ꢂ/ꢆÊ/ꢄ,ꢉꢂ ꢀꢁ
spider plateau and loosen the tinsel leads at the terminal. The tinsel leads are the four 3mm hex screws at
the top of the terminal that hold the voice coil wires. Gently pull on the cone under the surround and the cone
assembly should pull away from the woofer motor. Be sure and pull evenly to prevent the assembly from
binding in the basket. You are now ready to put in the new re-cone kit.
Place the new cone assembly into the woofer motor. Make sure to align the tinsel leads from the re-cone kit
with the terminals and line up the large notches in the surround with the largest holes in the basket. Insert
the tinsel leads into the terminal ensuring the red lead is going into the positive (+) position and the black lead
is going into the negative (–) position. Tighten the four set screws and then slightly tug in the tinsel leads to
make sure they are tight in the terminal.
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Next, insert the six ⁄32" hex screws back into the spider plateau and tighten. Replace the top gasket over
the surround on the top of the woofer. The counter-bore holes in the gasket need to align with the smaller
threaded holes in the basket. Insert the twelve ⁄16" hex gasket screws into the counter-bored holes and
tighten. Finally, replace the back of the enclosure and re-attach the ⁄8" bolts to support the back of the woofer.
Your new cone is now installed and you are ready to once again experience the JackHammer’s extreme
© 2005 MTX. All rights reserved. MTX, Thunder, JackHammer and StreetWires are trademarks of
Mitek. Designed and Engineered in the U.S.A.
Due to continual product development, all specifications are subject to change without notice.
MTX Audio, 1 Mitek Plaza, Winslow, IL 61089 U.S.A.
MTX002140 RevB 11/05
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