MultiModem® GPRS
External Wireless USB Modem
User Guide
CHAPTER 1: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................5
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................................................................5
Package Contents...................................................................................................................................................5
Parts to be Supplied by Wireless Service Provider................................................................................................5
Parts to be Supplied by End User ..........................................................................................................................5
Antenna/RF Specifications .....................................................................................................................................6
AT Command Info ..................................................................................................................................................6
Phone Number for the Wireless Modem.................................................................................................................6
Network Access.......................................................................................................................................................6
APPLICATION OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................8
Application Types...................................................................................................................................................8
Benefits/Features in Applications...........................................................................................................................9
Functions – GSM Modes......................................................................................................................................10
General Specifications......................................................................................................................................11
Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................................................................................11
Current Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................11
LED Indicators.....................................................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER 2: INSTALLATION..............................................................................................................................13
MECHANICAL MOUNTING.........................................................................................................................................13
INSERTING SIM/R-UIM CARD INTO HOLDER (GSM ONLY)....................................................................................15
CONNECTING THE ANTENNA.....................................................................................................................................16
INSTALLING SOFTWARE ............................................................................................................................................17
WINDOWS XP/2003..................................................................................................................................................17
Part A: Preparing the Setup.................................................................................................................................17
Part B: Installing the USB Driver........................................................................................................................18
Part C: Associating PC Port with USB Driver ....................................................................................................19
Part D: Installing the Modem INF File................................................................................................................20
WINDOWS 2000 ........................................................................................................................................................21
Part A: Preparing the Setup.................................................................................................................................21
Part B: Installing the USB Driver........................................................................................................................22
Part C: Associating PC Port with USB Driver ....................................................................................................24
Part D: Installing the Modem INF File................................................................................................................25
WINDOWS 9X ...........................................................................................................................................................26
Part A: Preparing the Setup.................................................................................................................................26
Part B: Installing the USB Driver........................................................................................................................27
Part C: Associating PC Port with USB Driver ....................................................................................................28
Part D: Installing the Modem INF File................................................................................................................28
CONNECTING THE OPTIONAL HANDSET ....................................................................................................................29
MOBILE PHONETOOLS...............................................................................................................................................29
VERIFYING SIGNAL STRENGTH .................................................................................................................................29
VERIFYING NETWORK REGISTRATION ......................................................................................................................29
TESTING THE CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................................30
CHAPTER 3: TROUBLESHOOTING...................................................................................................................31
TROUBLESHOOTING EXAMPLES ................................................................................................................................31
Situation A: The modem always returns «Error» when trying to issue a communication...................................31
Situation B: The modem always returns «No carrier» when trying to issue a communication ...........................32
GSM/GPRS GENERAL FAQ.....................................................................................................................................33
GSM/GPRS FAQ ON THE IP STACK.........................................................................................................................35
FAQ FOR MOBILE PHONETOOLS V2.1 ......................................................................................................................36
CHAPTER 4: SAFETY ............................................................................................................................................37
General Safety......................................................................................................................................................37
Vehicle Safety .......................................................................................................................................................37
Maintenance of GPRS Modem .............................................................................................................................38
Your Responsibility...............................................................................................................................................38
CHAPTER 5: WARRANTY AND REPAIRS ........................................................................................................39
Replacement Parts................................................................................................................................................40
CHAPTER 6: REFERENCE INFORMATION.....................................................................................................41
WIRELESS MODEM REFERENCE INFORMATION.........................................................................................................41
Chapter 1 – Description & Specifications
Ch a p t e r 1: P r o d u c t De s c r ip t io n a n d
Sp e c if ic a t io n s
Pr o d u c t De s c r ip t io n
The Multi-Tech MultiModem® GPRS is an external data/fax/voice wireless modem with an USB interface. It also
supports mobile originated short message service (SMS) and mobile-terminated SMS. Designed for global use, it
offers standards-based multi-band GSM/GPRS Class 10 performance. This ready-to-deploy, standalone modem
allows developers to add wireless communication to products with a minimum of development time and expense. The
MultiModem® GPRS is based on industry-standard open interfaces, is fully type approved, and can be desktop or
panel mounted.
Package Contents
Basic Package
one modem
mounting bracket(s)
one Quick Start Guide
Bundled Package
all Basic Package items, plus
one USB cable (with Series A to Series B connectors)
one antenna
four adhesive-backed rubber feet for table-top mounting
one product CD
The Wireless MultiModem has several interfaces:
LED function indicating operating status
External antenna (via SMA connector)
Serial and control link (via USB connector)
Microphone and speaker (via handset jack)
SIM card holder
Parts to be Supplied by Wireless Service Provider
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) configuration chip
The SIM contains information specific to your wireless account and its features.
Parts to be Supplied by End User
mounting screws (screw shaft diameter = .17” max.)
In the bundled package, the Wireless MultiModem is shipped with an antenna suited for it.
However, if the antenna supplied does not meet your application requirements (for size, shape,
mounting style, etc.), you must supply an antenna yourself. In general, the antenna used must be
both of the correct frequency and of a style appropriate to the application. See the Antenna/RF
Specifications section below.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 1 – Description & Specifications
Antenna/RF Specifications
GSM 850
869 to 894 MHz
824 to 849 MHz
2W at 12.5% duty cycle
50 ohms
Frequency RX
Frequency TX
RF Power Stand
0 dBi on azimuth plane
Typical Radiated Gain
GSM 1800
GSM 1900
1805 to 1880 MHz
1710 to 1785 MHz
1W at 12.5% duty cycle
50 ohms
1930 to 1990 MHz
1850 to 1910 MHz
1W at 12.5% duty cycle
Frequency RX
Frequency TX
RF Power Stand
0 dBi on azimuth plane
Typical Radiated Gain
AT Command Info
AT commands for the GPRS wireless modem are published in a separate Reference Guide
included on the product CD and posted on the Multi-Tech web site.
IP commands for GPRS modems are also published in a separate Reference Guide included
on the product CD and posted on the Multi-Tech web site.
Phone Number for the Wireless Modem
Every wireless modem will have its own unique phone number.
The wireless modem’s phone number may simply be told to the subscriber or be on the
SIM or both. Wireless provider implementations may vary.
Network Access
The network access arrangements to be specified in Windows Dial-Up Networking (of the
computer that the wireless modem is serving) will vary according to the type of wireless service
For GSM-without-GPRS, a circuit-switched data connection is used. The user can set up
DUN to make a conventional V.32 modem connection to any terminating modem at the
other end. The phone number specified in DUN can be one supplied by the wireless
service provider or another phone number related to a different dialup modem service
(e.g., a dialup modem service phone number from any commercial or private dialup
For GSM-with-GPRS, a single DUN number is generally used by all of a wireless provider’s
subscribers throughout its area of coverage (regional, nationwide, continental, etc.).
Rather than being a literal phone directory number, as in conventional DUN, this is a code
that gives the modem Internet access. Normally, this phone number is *99***1# .
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 1 – Description & Specifications
GPRS Class 10 operation
Dual-band 850/1900 or 900/1800 GSM/GPRS
GSM Class 1 and Class 2 Group 3 FAX
Desktop or panel mounting
Short Message Services including text and PDU, point-to-point, cell
14.4K GSM circuit switched data
SMA antenna connector and SIM socket
Serial interface supports DTE speeds to 115.2K
AT command compatible
MNP2 V.42bis data compression
Numerous LEDs provide operational status
ME + SIM phone book management
Fixed dialing number
SIM Toolkit Class 2
SIM, network and service provider locks
Real time clock
Alarm management
UCS2 character set management
Packet data up to 85K bps
Embedded TCP/IP stack
Circuit-switched data (GSM) up to 14.4K bps transparent and non-
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 1 – Description & Specifications
Ap p lic a t io n O v e r v ie w
Application Types
With circuit switched data rates up to 14.4K bps, the MultiModem® GPRS is targeted at
applications that periodically need to send or receive data over a wireless network. It is an ideal
solution for:
ATM Terminals
Data Collection
Gas Pumps
Industrial and Medical Remote Monitoring Systems
Remote Diagnostics
Remote Metering
Security Systems
Vending/Gaming Machines
Other devices requiring wireless connectivity.
Note: The Wireless MultiModem must be mounted with at
least 8 inches (20 cm) of clearance from the human body.
RS2 3 2
Wireless MultiModem used in
remote ATM application.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 1 – Description & Specifications
Benefits/Features in Applications
Short Development Time. The MultiModem® GPRS can make your existing and next generation
device, machine, or system, communication-ready without requiring any hardware changes to its
design. It actually provides faster time-to-market because it relieves the burden and expense of
obtaining network and RF approvals. This complete, ready-to-deploy wireless modem allows you to
enhance your product while you focus on developing its core features.
Voice Features. The MultiModem® GPRS provides telephony and Dual Tone Multi Frequency
(DTMF) functionality. It also allows for emergency calls as well as echo cancellation and noise
reduction (option), and full rate, enhanced Full Rate and Half Rate (FR/EFR/HR).
Short Message Services. The MultiModem® GPRS offers SMS features such as text and PDU,
point-to-point (MT/MO) and cell broadcast.
Compatible Supplementary Services. The MultiModem® GPRS is compatible with
supplementary services such as call forwarding, call barring, multiparty, call waiting and call hold,
calling line identification, advice of charge, USSD, closed user group and explicit call transfer.
Management Features. The MultiModem® GPRS provides advanced management features
including phone book management, fixed dialing number, and real time clock and alarm
Industry-standard Modem Commands. The MultiModem® GPRS provides industry-standard AT-
style commands for ease of integration into your existing software application.
Industrial Chassis. The MultiModem® GPRS is packaged in a rugged, water resistant, industrial
chassis. The chassis has a USB connector for power and data. It has an SMA antenna connector.
It also has modular phone handset receptacle. The chassis can be side-mounted on a panel or top-
mounted on a desktop or other surface. A set of LEDs indicates the modem’s operational status.
Packet-Switched Data. The MultiModem® GPRS supports GPRS Class 10 packet-switched
cellular data. This enables mobile Internet functionality by allowing interworking between the
existing Internet and the cellular network at speeds up to 85K bps. Any service that is used over
the fixed Internet today – File Transfer Protocol (FTP), web browsing, chat, e-mail, telnet -- is
available over the cellular network, as well. The MultiModem GPRS supports PBCCH and coding
schemes CS1 to CS4, and is compliant with SMG31bis.
Circuit-Switched Data (CSD). The MultiModem® GPRS also supports GSM circuit-switched
cellular data connections. Circuit-switched data connections support speeds up to 14.4K bps,
Class 1 and Class 2 Group 3 fax, as well as MNP2 V.42bis compression. CSD cellular wireless
connections are ideal for applications that require a quick wireless replacement of an existing point-
to-point analog dial-up connection. They integrate seamlessly with your current application
requiring little infrastructure change.
Internet-Enabled. The MultiModem® GPRS includes an embedded TCP/IP protocol stack to bring
Internet connectivity to any device. Using the embedded Internet protocols and the wirless
connection to an IP network, it sends and receives data over the Internet. It can also serve a single
web page in response to a web browser request.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 1 – Description & Specifications
Functions – GSM Modes
Dual Band Extended GSM 900 MHz Class 4 (2W) and GSM 1800/1900 MHz
Class 1 (1W)
USB 12 Mbps. AT command set based on V.25ter and GSM 07.05 & 07.07
Mobile Originated (MO) and Mobile Terminated (MT) SMS Mode Text & PDU
point to point. Cell broadcast in accordance with GSM 07.05.
Asynchronous 2400, 4800, 9600 and 14400 bps.
Data Transparent and Non Transparent modes.
In Non Transparent Mode only: 300, 1200, 1200/75 baud rates are available.
Mode 3.1 KHz (PSTN) and V110 (ISDN).
2400/4800/7200/9600 bps
Fax GSM teleservice 62 in Transparent Mode.
Class 2. Group 3 compatible.
Class 10. Coding schemes: CS1 to CS4.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 1 – Description & Specifications
Sp e c if ic a t io n s
General Specifications
Mechanical Dimensions & Weight
Connectors & Fasteners
4.3" w x 2.4" h x 0.94" d; 3.6 oz.
(11 cm x 6.1 cm x 2.4 cm; 102 g)
Antenna Connection type: SMA jack
Data/Power Connector: USB Series A receptacle
Phone Handset: Modular Handset Jack
SIM receptacle:
Operating Temperatures
0 to +50°C
Relative humidity 20% to 90% noncondensing
CE Mark
EMC: FCC Part 2, 15, 22, 24, EN 55022 & EN 55024
Safety: UL 60950, EN 60950
Electrical Characteristics
The device is permanently powered (when connected to the
power supply).
Switching the GSM modem on/off
Voltage Range
Voltage range : 5 to 32V DC
GND : 0V
Current Requirements
GSM/GPRS 850/900 GSM/GPRS 1800/1900
Input average supply current in
comm. mode at Pmax
Input average supply current in idle
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 1 – Description & Specifications
LED Indicators
TD. Transmit Data.
RD. Receive Data.
CD. Carrier Detect.
LS. Line Status.
Lit when modem is transmitting data.
Lit when modem is receiving data.
Lit when data connection has been established.
Continuous “on” state indicates that the wireless modem is not registered
on the network.
Flashing state indicates registration on network.
Off state. Modem is off (not ready) or in download mode.
Commonly called “Data Terminal Ready.” This is a readiness signal from
the PC.
TR. Terminal Ready.
PWR. Power.
Indicates presence of DC power when lit.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Ch a p t e r 2: In s t a lla t io n
M e c h a n ic a l M o u n t in g
To mount the Wireless MultiModem, do the following:
1. Obtain mounting screws (two are needed) that are appropriate for the surface on which you will
mount the MultiModem. For example, one might use two 6-32 self-tapping screws 5/8” in length
to mount the unit in a truck to the wall of the cab behind the passenger’s seat.
2. Typically, the unit is mounted against a flat surface into which holes can be drilled. The
mounting holes (center-to-center) must be separated by 125mm or 4 -15/16 inches.
Spacing of Mounting Screws
125 mm
or 415 inches
Mounting Bracket Locations (2)
Drill the mounting holes at the desired mounting location (if applicable).
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
3. Slide the mounting brackets into the corresponding slots on the backside of the MultiModem
NOTE: Some MultiModem units will be shipped with a single mounting bracket.
Slide it through the channel on the MultiModem chassis
and secure it with screws.
4. Attach the MultiModem with two screws to the mounting surface at the desired location on the
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
In s e r t in g SIM /R-UIM Ca r d in t o H o ld e r (GSM O n ly)
The wireless MultiModem requires a SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module) to operate on a GSM network. Some
CDMA networks, mostly in China, require an R-UIM card (Removable User Identity Module). To install the card,
do the following:
1. Using your fingernail or a small wedging tool (e.g., a small screwdriver), pry off the SIM cover.
2. Insert the SIM card into the holder.
3. Verify that the SIM card fits into the holder properly and then replace the cover.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
In s t a llin g So f t w a r e
The wireless USB MultiModem drivers need to be installed in your computer’s program directory. The
procedure differs depending on the operating system. This section provides installation procedures for
Windows Operating Sytems (Win 98/ME/2000/2003/XP).
Linux Operating System drivers are also located on the CD in the Linux_Install directory.
Three install wizards guide you through the software Installation. In the following installation process,
Part A prepares you for the software installation.
Part B installs the USB Driver.
Part C associates the PC port with the USB Driver, and finally
Part D installs the modem .inf file.
W in d o w s XP/20 0 3
Part A: Preparing the Setup
CAUTION! DO NOT connect the MultiModem to the PC at this point. Follow the steps below in
sequence. Premature connection of the USB cable will cause the installation to fail.
If you have already plugged in the USB cable prematurely, cancel out of the installation wizard
and follow the instructions below.
1. Insert the MultiModem Product CD into your CDROM drive. Insertion of the product CD
triggers the Autorun feature.
2. After a brief delay, the “MultiModem Setup – Welcome to” screen appears. Close the
Welcome to screen.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Part B: Installing the USB Driver
3. Connect the USB cable between the MultiModem and the PC.
4. After a brief delay, the Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears
referring to the TUSB3410 Serial Port device. This is the first of three New Hardware Wizards
that will appear.
Click on Install from a list or specific location (Advanced).
Click Next.
5. Please choose your search and installation options screen appears.
Ensure that Search for the best driver in these locations with Search removable media (floppy,
CD-ROM…) is selected.
Click Next.
6. A Windows Logo Testing screen appears.
Click Continue Anyway.
7. At the completion screen (Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard), click Finish.
Installation of the USB driver is now complete.
The second Found New Hardware wizard will start automatically to associate the PC port with
the USB driver.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Part C: Associating PC Port with USB Driver
8. Wait while Windows prepares the next phase of the installation (associating the PC port with
the USB drive). The Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard screen will appear with
the Texas Instruments UMP Serial Port as the device to be installed. This is the beginning
of the “Found New Hardware” sequence for the port.
Click Install from a list or specific location (Advanced).
Click Next.
9. Please choose your search and installation options screen appears.
Ensure that Search for the best driver in these locations is set and click on Search
removable media (floppy, CR-ROM…).
Click Next.
10. A second ‘Windows Logo Testing’ screen appears. This screen pertains to the MTS GSM
USB – Serial Port.
Click Continue Anyway.
11. The Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears.
The association between the serial port and the USB driver has been made.
Click Finish.
The third Found New Hardware wizard will start automatically to install the modem inf file.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Part D: Installing the Modem INF File
12. Wait while Windows prepares the final phase of the installation.The Welcome to the Found
New Hardware Wizard screen appears for the MultiTech – GSM Modem.
Click on Install from a list or specific location (Advanced).
Then click Next.
13. The Please choose your search and installation options screen appears.
Ensure that Search for the best driver in these locations is set and click on Search
removable media (floppy, CD-ROM).
Click Next.
14. In the Please select the best match for your hardware from the list below., select the
MultiTech - GSM Modem Version that is listed in the root of the CD-ROM directory.
Then click Next.
15. The final ‘Windows Logo Testing’ screen appears. This screen pertains to the creation of a
modem entity in the operating system that accommodates the wireless USB MultiModem.
Click Continue Anyway.
16. The Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen, appears.
Click Finish. With the modem .inf file successfully installed, the entire sofware installation
procedure for the Wireless USB MultiModem is complete.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
W in d o w s 20 0 0
Part A: Preparing the Setup
CAUTION! DO NOT connect the MultiModem to the PC at this point. Follow the steps below in
sequence. Premature connection of the USB cable will cause the installation to fail.
If you have already plugged in the USB cable prematurely, cancel out of the installation wizard and
follow the instructions below.
1. Insert the MultiModem Product CD into your CDROM drive. Insertion of the product CD
triggers the Autorun feature.
2. After a brief delay, the “MultiModem Setup – Welcome to” screen appears. Close the
Welcome to screen.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Part B: Installing the USB Driver
3. Connect the USB cable between the MultiModem and the PC.
4. After a brief delay, the Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears. This
is the first of three New Hardware Wizards that will appear.
Click Next.
5. The Install Hardware Device Drivers screen appears referring to the TUSB3410 Serial Port
Click on Search for a suitable driver for my device (recommended)
Click Next.
6. The Locate Driver Files screen appears. Click in the Optional search locations: on CD-ROM
drives option.
Click Next.
7. The Driver Files Search Results screen appears. The wizard has found the wrong driver.
Click on Install one of the other drivers.
Click Next.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
8. At the Driver Files Found screen, choose the GSM Device from the listing.
Click Next.
9. At the Digital Signature Not Found screen, click Yes.
10. At the completion screen (Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard), click Finish.
Installation of the USB driver is now complete.
The second Found New Hardware wizard will start automatically to associate the PC port with
the USB driver.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Part C: Associating PC Port with USB Driver
11. Wait while Windows prepares the next phase of the installation (associating the PC port with
the USB drive). When the Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears,
click Next.
12. The Install Hardware Device Drivers screen appears referring to the Texas Instrument
UMP Serial Port device. This is the beginning of the “Found New Hardware” sequence for the
Click on Search for a sutiable driver for my device (recommended).
Click Next.
13. The Locate Drivers Files screen appears, ensure that CD-ROM drives is the only option
Click Next.
14. Driver Files Search Results screen appears with the Texas Instruments UMP Serial Port
device listed with the location of the driver.
Click Next.
15. The Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears. The association
between the serial port and the USB driver has been made.
Click Finish.
The third Found New Hardware Wizard will start automatically to install the modem inf file.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Part D: Installing the Modem INF File
16. After a brief delay, the Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard screen appears, Click
17. The Install Hardware Device Drivers screen appears, referring to the Multi-Tech GSM
Click on Search for a sutiable driver for my device (recommended).
Click Next.
18. The Locate Driver Files screen appears, ensure that CD-ROM drives is the only option
Click Next.
19. Driver Files Search Results screen appears with the MultiTech – GSM Modem device
listed with the location of the driver.
Click Next.
20. The Digital Signature Not Found screen appears, click Yes.
21. The Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen, appears.
Click Finish.
With the modem .inf file successfully installed, the entire sofware installation procedure for the
Wireless USB MultiModem is complete.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
W in d o w s 9 X
Part A: Preparing the Setup
CAUTION! DO NOT connect the MultiModem to the PC at this point. Follow the steps below in
sequence. Premature connection of the USB cable will cause the installation to fail.
If you have already plugged in the USB cable prematurely, cancel out of the installation wizard and
follow the instructions below.
1. Insert the MultiModem Product CD into your CDROM drive. Insertion of the product CD
triggers the Autorun feature.
2. After a brief delay, the “MultiModem Setup – Welcome to” screen appears. Close the
Welcome to screen.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Part B: Installing the USB Driver
3. Connect the USB cable between the MultiModem and the PC.
4. After a brief delay, the Add New Hardware Wizard screen appears referring to the
TUSB3410 Serial Port device. This is the first of three New Hardward Wizards that will
Click Next.
5. The Add New Hardware Wizard screen appears. Click on Search for the best driver for
your device (Recommended).
Click Next.
6. The next Add New Hardware Wizard screen appears wanting you to select the search path.
Click on Specify a location and then click on the Browse button to locate the driver on the
CD at X:\Windows_Install\Windows_9x\USB Serial Driver.
Click Next.
7. The Add New Hardware Wizard screen now indicates that it has found a driver for the MTS
USB Unitary Driver device on the CD.
Click Next to install the driver.
8. When Windows has finished installing the software that your new hardware device requires.
Click Finish. Installation of the USB driver is now complete.
The second Add New Hardware wizard will start automatically to associate the PC port with the
USB driver.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Part C: Associating PC Port with USB Driver
9. Wait while Windows prepares the next phase of the installation (associating the PC port with
the USB drive). The Add New Hardware Wizard screen appears referring to MTS GSM
Serial Port. This is the second of the three New Hardward Wizards that will appear.
Click Next.
10. The Add New Hardware Wizard screen appears. Click on Search for the best driver for
your device (Recommended).
Click Next.
11. The Add New Hardware Wizard screen appears wanting you to select the search path.
Click on Specify a location and then click on the Browse button to locate the driver on the
CD: X:\Windows_Install\Windows_9X\USB Serial Driver
Click Next.
12. The Add New Hardware Wizard screen now indicates that it has found the drivers to the
MTS Serial Port device.
Click Next to install the driver.
13. Windows has finished installing the software that your new hardware device requires.
The association between the serial port and the USB driver has been made.
Click Finish.
The third Found New Hardware wizard will start automatically to install the modem inf file.
Part D: Installing the Modem INF File
14. Wait while Windows prepares the final phase of the installation. The Add New Hardware
Wizard screen appears. This wizard searches for new drivers for: MultiTech – GSM Modem
Click Next.
15. The Add New Hardware Wizard screen appears. Click on Search for the best driver for
your device (Recommended).
Click Next.
16. The next Add New Hardware Wizard screen appears wanting you to the select search path.
Click on Specify a location and then click on the Browse button to locate the driver on the
CD: X:\Windows_Install\Windows_9X\Modem Driver
Click Next.
17. The Add New Hardware Wizard screen now indicates that it has found the drivers for the
MultiTech – GSM Modem device.
Click Next to install the modem driver.
18. Windows has finished installing the software that your new hardware device requires.
Click Finish.
With the modem .inf file successfully installed, the entire sofware installation procedure for the
Wireless USB MultiModem is complete.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Co n n e c t in g t h e O p t io n a l H a n d s e t
If you intend to use a phone handset, connect it to the MultiModem now.
Modular Handset
(use of handset optional;
handset cable not included)
M o b ile Ph o n e t o o ls
For initial configuration of your wireless device, Multi-Tech offers a Windows® based mobile Phone
Tools application.
To load mobile Phone Tools, click on the mobile Phone Tools icon on your product CD and follow
the on-screen prompts.
Ve r if yin g Sig n a l St r e n g t h
The Wireless MultiModem establishes a call if the signal is sufficiently strong. To verify the signal
strength, do the following:
1. Using the HyperTerminal program at the computer to which the Wireless MultiModem is
connected, type the AT command AT+CSQ. A value for the received signal strength will be
2. Verify the result with the following chart:
Signal Strength Verification
Value of signal strength
Signal strength
(AT+CSQ response) (RSSI)
10 - 31
0 - 9
Weak or Insufficient
Ve r if yin g Ne t w o r k Re g is t r a t io n
In this procedure, you will verify that the Wireless MultiModem has been registered on the wireless
network. To do so, you will use the common communications program Hyperterminal.
1. Using the Hyperterminal program at the computer to which the Wireless MultiModem is
connected, type the AT command AT+CREG?. A value for the modem’s network registration
status will be returned.
2. Verify the result with the following chart:
Network Registration Verification
0, 1
Network Registration Status
0, 5
(registered roaming)
Note: If the modem is not registered, perform the procedure for verifying signal strength to determine the
strength of the received signal.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 2 – Installation
Te s t in g t h e Co n f ig u r a t io n
Response Returned
PIN Code accepted
Enter PIN Code
Incorrect PIN Code
PIN already entered (with +CMEE : 1
AT + CREG ? CREG = <mode>, 1
CREG = <mode>, 2
modem synchronized on the network
synchronization lost, re-synchronization
Module synchro
CREG = <mode>, 0
Modem not synchronized on network.
No synchronization attempt
Receiving an
incoming call
Answer the call.
Don’t forget the “;” at the end for “voice”
Initiate a call
Communication established
PIN Code not entered (with +CMEE : 1
AOC credit (Advice of Charge tells the
user how much a call will cost) has
been exceeded or a communication is
already established.
Initiate an
emergency call
Don’t forget the “;” at the end for “voice”
Hang up
Store the
parameters in
The communications program has
saved the configuration settings in non-
volatile memory.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting
Ch a p t e r 3: Tr o u b le s h o o t in g
Tr o u b le s h o o t in g Ex a m p le s
Situation A: The modem always returns «Error» when trying to issue a communication
If the Wireless MultiModem returns a message of error upon an attempted transmission of data or voice
signals, see the table below for possible causes and solutions.
Solutions for “error” message situations
If the modem Then ask …
Is the modem registered on the
Follow “Verifying network registration" procedure to
be sure modem is registered on network.
Is the modem receiving an
incoming call or is it already in
End any communication using the ATH command.
Does AT+CREG? return 0,1
(registered) or 0,5 (registered
If not, check for adequate signal strength on network.
Is the selected bearer type
supported by the called party?
In comm. program, type AT+CMEE=1 to view the
extended error codes (see “Error Results Codes" in
the AT Command guide).
Be sure called party and network support selected
bearer type.
Be sure that semi-colon (“;”) is typed immediately
after the phone number in the AT command. e.g.,
Is the selected bearer type
supported by the network?
Is the received signal strong
See “Verifying Signal Strength.”
Is the antenna properly
See “Antenna/RF Specifications.”
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting
Situation B: The modem always returns «No carrier» when trying to
issue a communication
Solutions for “no carrier” message
If the modem returns …
no carrier
Then ask …
Is the selected
bearer type
supported by the
called party?
Type AT+CEER to view the extended
error code (see “Error Results Codes"
in the AT Command guide).
Be sure that the selected bearer type
is supported by the called party.
Be sure that the selected bearer type
is supported by the network.
If no success, try bearer selection
type: AT+CBST=0,0,3
(esp. for data communication)
Is the selected
bearer type
supported by the
Be sure SIM card is available for
data/fax calls.
no carrier
(esp. for voice communication)
Be sure that the semicolon character
(“;”) is typed immediately after the
phone number in the AT command.
E.g., ATD######; type
Configure the SIM card for data/fax
Is the received
signal strong
See “Verifying Signal Strength.”
Is the antenna
See “Antenna/RF Specifications.”
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting
GSM /GPRS Ge n e r a l FAQ
The modem is answering, but seems not to be doing anything. What’s the problem?
The modem is answering in voice mode.
If you are trying to make a data call, make sure the account has CSD service. You will also need the
data number (separate number from the main phone number given by the provider).
I am trying to make a data connection by dialing from my wireless modem to an analog modem. Why
does the analog modem answer and send tones, but never connect?
To make a data call you must use the ATD<number> command.
Make sure the account has CSD service.
How do I get the voice portion to work so I can talk to others using the wireless modem?
You will need a cable that has the speaker pins connected to a speaker and mic.
MTS offers a “Y” cable that splits out to an RJ10 connector. The RJ10 connector plugs into the receiver
of a handset.
How do I make a GPRS (Internet) connection using Windows?
You must set the APN into the modem by using the command: AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”<APN>” (APN is
given by the provider). This must be done using a terminal program.
Create a dial-up connection in Windows to dial the number ‘*99***1#’ using no username or password.
You can also use Mobile PhoneTools which will set the APN automatically and create a dial connection.
How do I make an Internet connection to my dial-up ISP?
Make sure you have CSD service.
Create a dial-up connection to the ISP’s access number. Then, using your account username and
password, choose the wireless modem as the device.
How does faxing work?
You will need fax services set up on your account. You should receive a separate phone number for fax,
just as you have done for voice and data. You must call the fax number for the modem to receive a fax.
You will also need a fax software package (not provided by MTS).
Why do I get garbage when I am in HyperTerminal and I try to connect to the GPRS network by sending
‘ATD*99***1#’? I have already set the APN correctly.
HyperTerminal will only return garbage in this situation. You will need to use a PPP application instead.
The PPP application is needed to control the PPP session.
When I do ‘ATD*99***1#’ in HyperTerminal I get an error.
Set AT+CMEE=1 and then try again to see what CME error is shown. Check the CME error in the AT
Command Reference Guide.
Make sure the APN is programmed correctly into the modem by sending ‘AT+CGDCONT?’.
Check ‘AT+CGCLASS?’, If it returns anything other than “B”, change it to “B” by setting
Make sure that you have GPRS (packet switched data) service.
I can’t make any outoing calls and I have a solid LS light. I’m receiving a NO CARRIER response.
Make sure the antenna is connected and the SIM is inserted correctly.
Check signal and registration: ‘AT+CSQ’ (10-31 is good), ‘AT+CREG?’ (0,1 is registered & 0,5 is
Check NO CARRIER issue with ‘AT+CEER’. Look up error code in AT Command Reference Guide.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting
The modem will not answer.
To have modem auto-answer, set modem with ‘ATS0=1’. Use ‘AT&W’ to store the setting.
Send ‘ATA’ to the modem once the RING is indicated on the terminal screen.
If you aren’t providing DTR, you may need to set the modem to ignore DTR by using this command:
‘AT&D0’ .
Which providers can I use?
T-Mobile, AT&T, and Cingular
AT&T doesn’t support CSD (wireless to analog connection)
I am trying to make a GPRS connection using a Windows dial-up session. It connects and then
immediately disconnects. What’s wrong?
Make sure the APN is stored in the modem (the APN is given by the provider).
Check the APN with ‘AT+CGDCONT?’ to make sure it is correct.
If no APN is inserted, then insert the correct APN: ‘AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”<APN>”’.
When I try to make a GPRS connection using Windows dial-up I get this error: “Hardware Failure”.
Check the modem to make sure it is installed. Check the Modem Properties screen to be sure the
modem can be queried.
Make sure the modem is not being held by another application. Look for the TR light indication. If it is
on, most likely another application is holding onto the port.
Try rebooting the system.
What is the maximum number of characters I can use to send a SMS message?
The modem supports up to 160 characters max.
In PDU mode using 7-bit, the modem still supports 160 characters. But in 8-bit mode the modem will
only support 70 characters.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting
GSM /GPRS FAQ o n t h e IP St a c k
Whenever I send the # commands, I receive an error.
You must enable the stack before the modem will accept the # commands.
‘AT+WOPEN=1’ will enable the stack and ‘AT#VVERSION’ will display the version of the stack.
If you receive an error when sending ‘AT+WOPEN=1’, then you may not have the stack present on the
How do I know if I have the stack?
Use the ‘AT+WOPEN=1’ command. If it returns an error, then the stack may not be present in the
How do I make a GPRS connection using the stack?
Send: AT#GPRSMODE=1 (sets the modem to GPRS mode)
AT#APNSERV=”APN” (sets the APN for the modem to connect)
AT+CGATT=1 (attaches the modem to the GPRS network)
AT+CGREG=1 (registers the modem onto the GPRS network)
AT#CONNECTIONSTART (to start the connection)
AT#CONNECTIONSTOP (to stop the connection)
I have T-Mobile. When I try to establish a GPRS connection using the stack, the modem doesn’t connect.
It seems like the modem gets reset.
Check the firmware version: ‘AT+CGMR’.
Version 640b had a bug that caused the modem to reset when using a non-authenticated account.
Authenticated accounts such as AT&T and Cingular work OK. Firmware version 641a fixes this issue.
You will have to send the modem in for a firmware upgrade. Send it to the attention of the MultiTech
Repairs Department. Include a letter stating the problem and that you need the version 641a firmware.
How do I make a connection to my ISP using the stack?
Make sure you have CSD service.
Send: AT#GPRSMODE=0 (sets the modem to GSM mode)
AT#DIALN1=”ISP’s access #”
I can’t use the stack to connect to the GPRS network. I keep getting CME errors.
Check the CME error number in the AT Command Reference Guide.
Make sure the modem is attached and registered with the ‘AT+CGATT?’ and ‘AT+CGREG?’
Make sure the APN is correct with ‘AT#APNSERV?’.
Can I ping the modem when I have a connection established with the stack?
Yes, but you must be connected to an APN or server that provides public IP address and is not blocked
by a firewall.
Can I ping out using the stack?
Yes, but you must have the firmware version 641a or higher.
The command is ‘AT#PINGREMOTE=”<address to ping>”’ and ‘AT#PING’ to start the ping.
You must have a connection established with the stack in order to use the ping commands.
Does the stack support UDP?
Yes, but only on the firmware version 641a and above.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 3 – Troubleshooting
FAQ f o r M o b ile Ph o n e To o ls v 2.1
What is the Mobile PhoneTools program?
A software developed by BVRP used for the GPRS & CDMA modems for voice, SMS, email, and
Internet (packet-switched) connections.
How do I make an Internet connection?
Click on Menu – Setup – Internet Connection; or click on the globe icon that says “Create Internet
Connection”. Then follow the wizard.
How do I send a SMS message?
Click on Menu – Send – Send Short Message; or click on the envelope icon that says “Send Message”.
How do I make a voice call?
Dial the phone number using the numeric pad on the keyboard, or click on the keypad using the mouse.
Then click on the “YES” button to initiate the call.
You must use our “Y” cable or your own voice-pinned cable to be able to talk.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 4 – Safety
Ch a p t e r 4 : Sa fe t y
Sa f e t y
General Safety
The modem is designed for and intended to be used in
fixed and mobile applications. “Fixed” means that the
device is physically secured at one location and is not
able to be easily moved to another location. “Mobile”
means that the device is designed to be used in other
than fixed locations and generally in such a way that a
separation distance of at least 20 cm (8 inches) is
normally maintained between the transmitter’s antenna
and the body of the user or nearby persons. The
Modem is not designed for or intended to be used in
portable applications (within 20 cm. or 8 in. of the body
of the user) and such uses are strictly prohibited.
It is important to follow any special regulations regarding the use of radio equipment due in particular to
the possibility of radio frequency, RF, interference. Please follow the safety advice given below carefully.
• Power OFF your Wireless MultiModem when in an aircraft. The use of cellular telephones in an
aircraft may endanger the operation of the aircraft, disrupt the cellular network and is illegal.
Failure to observe this instruction may lead to suspension or denial of cellular telephone services
to the offender, or legal action or both.
• Power OFF your Wireless MultiModem when around gasoline or diesel-fuel pumps and before
filling your vehicle with fuel.
• Power OFF your Wireless MultiModem in hospitals and any other place where medical equipment
may be in use.
• Respect restrictions on the use of radio equipment in fuel depots, chemical plants or where
blasting operations are in progress.
• There may be a hazard associated with the operation of your Wireless MultiModem close to
inadequately protected personal medical devices such as hearing aids and pacemakers. Consult
the manufacturers of the medical device to determine if it is adequately protected.
• Operation of your Wireless MultiModem close to other electronic equipment may also cause
interference if the equipment is inadequately protected. Observe any warning signs and
manufacturers’ recommendations.
Vehicle Safety
• Respect national regulations on the use of cellular telephones in vehicles. Road safety always
comes first.
• If incorrectly installed in a vehicle, the operation of Wireless MultiModem telephone could interfere
with the correct functioning of vehicle electronics. To avoid such problems, be sure that qualified
personnel have performed the installation. Verification of the protection of vehicle electronics
should be part of the installation.
• The use of an alert device to operate a vehicle’s lights or horn on public roads is not permitted.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 4 – Safety
Maintenance of GPRS Modem
Your Wireless MultiModem is the product of advanced engineering, design and craftsmanship
and should be treated with care. The suggestions below will help you to enjoy this product for
many years.
Do not expose the Wireless MultiModem to any extreme environment where the temperature is
above 50ºC or humidity is above 90% noncondensing.
Do not attempt to disassemble the Wireless MultiModem. There are no user serviceable parts
Do not expose the Wireless MultiModem to water, rain or spilled beverages. It is not waterproof.
Do not place the Wireless MultiModem alongside computer discs, credit or travel cards, or other
magnetic media. The phone may affect the information contained on discs or cards.
The use of accessories not authorized by Multi-Tech or not compliant with Multi-Tech's accessory
specifications may invalidate the warranty of the Wireless MultiModem.
In the unlikely event of a fault in the Wireless MultiModem, contact Multi-Tech Tech Support.
Your Responsibility
This Wireless MultiModem is your responsibility. Please treat it with care respecting all local
regulations. It is not a toy. Therefore, keep it in a safe place at all times and out of the reach of
Try to remember your Unlock and PIN codes. Become familiar with and use the security features to
block unauthorized use and theft.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 5 – Warranty and Repairs
Ch a p t e r 5: Wa r r a n t y a n d Re p a ir s
Multi_Tech Warranty Statement
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc., (hereafter “MTS”) warrants that its products will be free from defects in material or
workmanship for a period of two, five, or ten years (depending on model) from date of purchase, or if proof of
purchase is not provided, two, five, or ten years (depending on model) from date of shipment.
This warranty does not apply to any products which have been damaged by lightning storms, water, or power surges
or which have been neglected, altered, abused, used for a purpose other than the one for which they were
manufactured, repaired by Customer or any party without MTS’s written authorization, or used in any manner
inconsistent with MTS’s instructions.
MTS’s entire obligation under this warranty shall be limited (at MTS’s option) to repair or replacement of any products
which prove to be defective within the warranty period or, at MTS’s option, issuance of a refund of the purchase price.
Defective products must be returned by Customer to MTS’s factory — transportation prepaid.
Repair Procedures for U.S. and Canadian Customers
In the event that service is required, products may be shipped, freight prepaid, to our Mounds View, Minnesota
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc.
2205 Woodale Drive
Mounds View, MN 55112 U.S.A
Attn: Repairs, Serial # ____________
A Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) is not required. Return shipping charges (surface) will be paid by MTS to
destinations in U.S. and Canada.
Please include, inside the shipping box, a description of the problem, a return shipping address (must have street
address, not P.O. Box), your telephone number, and if the product is out of warranty, a check or purchase order for
repair charges.
For out of warranty repair charges, go to COMPANY/Policies/warranty/
Extended two-year overnight replacement service agreements are available for selected products. Please call MTS
customer service at (888) 288-5470 or visit our web site at COMPANY/Programs/overnight_replacement for details
on rates and coverage’s.
Please direct your questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the product is
defective, etc., to our Technical Support department at (800) 972-2439 or email Please
direct your questions regarding repair expediting, receiving, shipping, billing, etc., to our Repair Accounting
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physical abuse, or user-
caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 5 – Warranty and Repairs
Repair Procedures for International Customers
(Outside U.S.A. and Canada)
Your original point of purchase Reseller may offer the quickest and most economical repair option for your Multi-Tech
product. You may also contact any Multi-Tech sales office for information about the nearest distributor or other repair
service for your Multi-Tech product. The Multi-Tech sales office directory is available at
In the event that factory service is required, products may be shipped, freight prepaid to our Mounds View, Minnesota
factory. Recommended international shipment methods are via Federal Express, UPS or DHL courier services, or by
airmail parcel post; shipments made by any other method will be refused. Please include, inside the shipping box, a
description of the problem, a return shipping address (must have street address, not P.O. Box), your telephone
number, and if the product is out of warranty, a check in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank or your company’s
purchase order for repair charges. Repaired units shall be shipped freight collect, unless other arrangements are
made in advance.
Please direct your questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the product is
defective, etc., to our Technical Support department nearest you or email When calling the
U.S., please direct your questions regarding repair expediting, receiving, shipping, billing, etc., to our Repair
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physical abuse, or user-
caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis.
Repair Procedures for International Distributors
International distributors should contact their MTS International sales representative for information about the repair of
the Multi-Tech products.
Please direct your questions regarding technical matters, product configuration, verification that the product is
defective, etc., to our International Technical Support department at +(763)717-5863. When calling the U.S., please
direct your questions regarding repair expediting, receiving, shipping, billing, etc., to our Repair Accounting
Repairs for damages caused by lightning storms, water, power surges, incorrect installation, physical abuse, or user-
caused damages are billed on a time-plus-materials basis
Replacement Parts
SupplyNet, Inc., can supply you with replacement power supplies, cables and connectors for selected Multi-Tech
products. You can place an order with SupplyNet via mail, phone, fax or the Internet at the following addresses:
SupplyNet, Inc.
614 Corporate Way
Valley Cottage, NY 10989
800 826-0279
914 267-2420
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Chapter 6 – Reference Information
Ch a p t e r 6 : Re fe r e n ce In fo r m a t io n
W ir e le s s M o d e m Re f e r e n c e In f o r m a t io n
GSM reference documents: GSM 03.40, GSM 03.45, GSM 04.11,GSM 04.21,
GSM05.08, GSM 07.01,GSM 07.02, GSM 07.05, GSM
ETSI contact:
ETSI Secretariat
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France
The AT commands manual is available on the Multi-Tech web site:
Wireless MultiModem specifications and manuals are subject to change without notice.
MTS assumes no liability for damage incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissions
or discrepancies between the Wireless MultiModem and its manual.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
Appendix A – WEEE Statement
Ap p e n d ix A - Wa s t e Ele c t r ic a l a n d
Ele c t r o n ic Eq u ip m e n t (W EEE) St a t e m e n t
July, 2005
The WEEE directive places an obligation on EU-based manufacturers, distributors, retailers and importers to
take-back electronics products at the end of their useful life. A sister Directive, ROHS (Restriction of Hazardous
Substances) complements the WEEE Directive by banning the presence of specific hazardous substances in the
products at the design phase. The WEEE Directive covers all Multi-Tech products imported into the EU as of
August 13, 2005. EU-based manufacturers, distributors, retailers and importers are obliged to finance the costs
of recovery from municipal collection points, reuse, and recycling of specified percentages per the WEEE
Instructions for Disposal of WEEE by Users in the European Union
The symbol shown below is on the product or on its packaging, which indicates that this product must not be
disposed of with other waste. Instead, it is the user’s responsibility to dispose of their waste equipment by
handing it over to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The
separate collection and recycling of your waste equipment at the time of disposal will help to conserve natural
resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more
information about where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city office,
your household waste disposal service or where you purchased the product.
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem® GPRS with USB User Guide
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